
  • Please allow up to five (5) business days for your item(s) to ship from the time you place your order.  You will receive an e-mail once your order has shipped. 
  • Hips & Stilettos currently does not ship internationally.  We only ship within the contiguous United States. 
  • If you need to cancel or modify your order prior to shipping, please contact us at  Once your order has shipped, we cannot change or cancel your order.  Please refer to our Returns policy.
  • Hips & Stilettos is not responsible for any lost/stolen (whole or partial) or damaged packages once your order has shipped.  Please contact the shipping carrier directly for any issues once your order has shipped.
  • Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
  • Hips & Stilettos work hard to fully fulfill all orders and orders are processed first come-first served basis.  However, it is possible that your order may be cancelled during high volume periods due to inventory selling out.  In this event, you will be contacted via email that your order has been cancelled and a full refund will be issued.  We suggest signing up for our e-mails to keep informed of restocks.